Pacemaker Royal Medical Academy Ltd. is a reality of a dream of few young doctors in hops to improve value added skills of our doctors to advance their career. That would help both our patients getting better treatment and doctors advancing their skills. We started it in 2013 at Uttara as it was vacant of post graduate Medical Academy but is big hub of doctors. We start from a small scale, Alhamdulillah, we never saw back, rather we develop it to modern Academy. Our Academy has air conditioned atmosphere for soothing in learning, Digital multimedia class rooms, 7 Ultrasound machines including four 4D, Color Doppler enabled multifunction advance ultrasound machines, Endoscopy, Colonoscopy machines and many other facilities. Our Academy is now more a wide spacious having a number class rooms and practical rooms.
Medical Ultrasound additional
In affiliation with Daffodil International University, Pacemaker Medical Services Ltd & Pacemaker Royal Medical Academy Ltd conduct courses of Ultrasound.
Pacemaker Royal Medical Academy Ltd. Is proudly first ever Academy in Bangladesh that regularly conduct Endoscopy and Colonoscopy courses of having true hands on training and theoretical classes. We do provide real patient base learning which enable our students to start their clinical practice.
Medical Ultrasound
As a first time Academy at Uttara, we run all range courses continuously. We offer courses as follows
Certificate in Medical Ultrasound (CMU)
Diploma in Medical Ultrasound DMU,
Advance Diploma in Medical Sonology ADMS,
Advance courses in Echocardiography, Color Doppler and Duplex scan, Musculoskeletal USG, 4D, TVS, Trans Rectal Sonography and Interventional Sonography as well.
We do provide –
Experienced Qualified teachers, Huge patients for true hands on training, robust Lecturer notes, numerous Advanced USG machines for practice.
Welcome to pacemaker Royal Medical Academy Ltd.
Pacemaker Royal Medical Academy Ltd is an outstanding quality oriented postgraduate medical academy set up your provide career advancement skill and different academic courses, especially in Medical Ultrasound (including General, Echocardiography, Color Doppler, 4D, TVS, Musculoskeletal, Trans Rectal Sonography, intervention), Endoscopy, Colonoscopy.
Endoscopy and Colonoscopy.
Dream to learn Endoscopy and Colonoscopy.
Bring your dream in reality, Learn Endoscopy & Colonoscopy with Pacemaker Royal Medical Academy.
Our courses
– Certificate course in Upper GI Endoscopy
– Certificate course in Colonoscopy.
Our specialty
– Experienced Qualified teachers
-Robust course materials
– Advance Endoscopy machine
– Real hands on experience.
(ADMS) Advance Diploma in Medical Sonology
Be Advanced, Success will be yours.
Pacemaker Royal Medical Academy has launched the ultimate complete ultrasound course
Advance Diploma in Medical Sonology (ADMS) .
To be a complete and competent Sonologist, secure your seat.
-Encompasses Abdominal, Gynae & Obs, Thyroid, Breast, Scrotum, 4D, TVS, Trans Rectal, Elastography, Color Doppler Musculoskeletal & Interventional Ultrasound.
– In collaboration with International faculties from South Korea, Singapore, India and others.
– Advanced USG Machines, Experienced teachers, Robust course materials and huge patients.
– International scholarship opportunity.
For details, feel free to call at 01705500011.
Secure your future in Medical Sonology.
Musculoskeletal Ultrasound
Make your clinical skill upgraded at pinnacle in managing Musculoskeletal problem.
Real time Musculoskeletal Ultrasound course is now live at Pacemaker Royal Medical Academy.
Dream to do cardiac imaging,
Make your dream true by learning Echocardiography with pacemaker Royal Medical Academy, Uttara.
A complete package of Echocardiography learning including cardiac tissue Doppler imaging, Stress Echocardiography.
color Doppler and Duplex scan
Wanna learn color Doppler and Duplex scan?
Pacemaker Royal Medical Academy, Uttara has brought to you the opportunity…
First ever complete color Doppler & Duplex scan course. We cover all the topics including – upper limb, Lower limb, Great vessels, Tissue Doppler, visceral, carotid and Fetal Doppler.
We do have – experienced teachers, huge patients, advance Doppler machines and Comprehensive course materials.